Australian Institute of Architects People’s Choice Prize (Qld)
Australian Institute of Architects Social Impact Prize (Qld)
Award for Commercial Architecture
Award for Educational Architecture
Award for Heritage
Award for Interior Architecture
Award for Public Architecture
Award for Residential Architecture – Houses (Alterations and Additions)
Award for Residential Architecture – Houses (New)
Award for Residential Architecture – Multiple Housing
Award for Small Project Architecture
Award for Sustainable Architecture
Award for Urban Design
Blacket Prize (NSW)
Canberra Medallion (ACT)
City of Adelaide Prize
City of Adelaide Prize People's Choice
COLORBOND® Award for Steel Architecture
Commendation – COLORBOND® Award for Steel Architecture
Commendation – Enabling Architecture Prize (WA)
Commendation – Lord Mayors Prize (NSW)
Commendation – Mondoluce Lighting Award
Commendation for City of Adelaide Prize
Commendation for Commercial Architecture
Commendation for Educational Architecture
Commendation for Heritage
Commendation for Interior Architecture
Commendation for Public Architecture
Commendation for Residential – Houses (Alterations and Additions)
Commendation for Residential Architecture – Houses (New)
Commendation for Residential Architecture – Multiple Housing
Commendation for Small Project Architecture
Commendation for Sustainable Architecture
Commendation for Urban Design
EmAGN Project Award
Indigenous Community Architecture Award (NT)
Lord Mayors Prize (NSW)
Louise Cox Award for Public Architecture (INT)
Newcastle Medal
NSW Architecture Medallion (NSW)
Premier's Prize (NSW)
Queensland Architecture Medallion (Qld)
Regional Prize (Vic)
SA Architecture Award
SA Architecture Medal (SA)
Shortlist – COLORBOND® Award for Steel Architecture
Shortlist – Commercial Architecture
Shortlist – Educational Architecture
Shortlist – EmAGN Project Award
Shortlist – Heritage
Shortlist – Interior Architecture
Shortlist – Public Architecture
Shortlist – Regional Prize (Vic)
Shortlist – Residential Architecture - Houses (Alterations and Additions)
Shortlist – Residential Architecture - Houses (New)
Shortlist – Residential Architecture - Multiple Housing
Shortlist – Small Project Architecture
Shortlist – Sustainable Architecture
Shortlist – The Dimity Reed Melbourne Prize (Vic)
Shortlist – Urban Design
Tasmanian Architecture Medal (TAS)
The Aaron Bolot Award for Residential Architecture - Multiple Housing (NSW)
The Alexander North Award for Interior Architecture (TAS)
The Allan and Beth Coldicutt Award for Sustainable Architecture (Vic)
The Beatrice Hutton Award for Commercial Architecture (Qld)
The Best Overend Award for Residential Architecture – Multiple Housing (Vic)
The Brian Kidd Enabling Architecture Prize (WA)
The Colin Philp Award for Commercial Architecture (TAS)
The Cynthia Breheny Award for Small Project Architecture (ACT)
The David Saunders Award for Heritage (SA)
The Derek Wrigley Award for Sustainable Architecture (ACT)
The Derrick Kendrick Award for Sustainable Architecture (SA)
The Dimity Reed Melbourne Prize (Vic)
The Don Roderick Award for Heritage (Qld)
The Dr John Mayfield Award for Educational Architecture (SA)
The Edith Emery Award for Residential Architecture (Alterations and Additions) (TAS)
The Elina Mottram Award for Residential Architecture – Houses (Alterations and Additions) (Qld)
The Enrico Taglietti Award for Educational Architecture (ACT)
The Esmond Dorney Award for Residential Architecture - Houses (New) (TAS)
The F D G Stanley Award for Public Architecture (Qld)
The G H M Addison Award for Interior Architecture (Qld)
The Gavin Walkley Award for Urban Design (SA)
The Gene Willsford Award for Residential Architecture – Houses (Alterations and Additions) (ACT)
The George Temple Poole Award (WA)
The Greenway Award for Heritage (NSW)
The Harold Desbrowe Annear Award for Residential Architecture – Houses (New) (Vic)
The Harold Krantz Award for Residential Architecture - Multiple Housing (WA)
The Harry Marks Award for Sustainable Architecture (Qld)
The Hayes & Scott Award for Small Project Architecture (Qld)
The Henry Bastow Award for Educational Architecture (Vic)
The Hillson Beasley Award for Educational Architecture (WA)
The Hugh and Eva Buhrich Award for Residential Architecture – Houses (Alterations and Additions) (NSW)
The Iwan Iwanoff Award for Small Project Architecture (WA)
The Jack Cheesman Award for Enduring Architecture (SA)
The Jack McConnell Award for Public Architecture (SA)
The Jeffrey Howlett Award for Public Architecture (WA)
The Jennifer Taylor Award for Educational Architecture (Qld)
The Job & Froud Award for Residential Architecture – Multiple Housing (Qld)
The John and Phyllis Murphy Award for Residential Architecture – Houses (Alterations and Additions) (Vic)
The John Andrews Award for Commercial Architecture (ACT)
The John George Knight Award for Heritage Architecture (Vic)
The John S Chappel Award for Residential Architecture – Houses (New) (SA)
The John Schenk Award for Residential Architecture – Houses (Alterations and Additions) (SA)
The John Septimus Roe Award for Urban Design (WA)
The John Verge Award for Interior Architecture (NSW)
The Joseph Reed Award for Urban Design (Vic)
The Julius Elischer Award for Interior Design
The Karl Langer Award for Urban Design (Qld)
The Keith Neighbour Award for Commercial Architecture (SA)
The Ken Frey Award for Residential Architecture - Multiple Housing (NT)
The Kevin Borland Award for Small Project Architecture (Vic)
The Lloyd Rees Award for Urban Design (NSW)
The Malcolm Moir and Heather Sutherland Award for Residential Architecture – Houses (New) (ACT)
The Margaret Pitt Morison Award for Heritage
The Marion Mahony Award for Interior Architecture (Vic)
The Marshall Clifton Award for Residential Architecture - Houses (New) (WA)
The Milo Dunphy Award for Sustainable Architecture (NSW)
The Mondoluce Lighting Award (WA)
The Pamille Berg Award for Art in Architecture (ACT)
The Peter Dermoudy Award for Commercial Architecture (NT)
The Peter Overman Award for Residential Architecture – Houses (Alterations and Additions) (WA)
The Peter Willmott Award for Small Architecture (TAS)
The Ray Heffernan Award for Residential Architecture – Multiple Housing (TAS)
The Robert Dickson Award for Interior Architecture (SA)
The Robert Foster Award for Light in Architecture (ACT)
The Robert Woodward Award for Small Project Architecture (NSW)
The Robin Dods Award for Residential Architecture – Houses (New) (Qld)
The Robin Gibson Award for Enduring Architecture (Qld)
The Ross Chisholm and Gil Nicol Award for Commercial Architecture (WA)
The Sir Arthur G Stephenson Award for Commercial Architecture (NSW)
The Sir Osborn McCutcheon Award for Commercial Architecture (Vic)
The Sulman Medal for Public Architecture (NSW)
The Sydney Ancher Award for Residential Architecture - Multiple Housing (ACT)
The Sydney Blythe Award for Educational Architecture (TAS)
The Tracey Memorial Award (NT)
The Victorian Architecture Medal
The W Hayward Morris Award for Interior Architecture (ACT)
The Wallace Greenham Award for Sustainable Architecture (WA)
The Wilkinson Award for Residential Architecture - Houses (New) (NSW)
The William E Kemp Award for Educational Architecture (NSW)
The William Wardell Award for Public Architecture (Vic)
The Yali-McNamara Award for Small Project Architecture (NT)